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Blind Spot
It’s easy to drive down a street or a highway and trust your sense of direction. You can read a map or simply have faith that you know where you’re going. Except. Sometimes the sun is blinding. Sometimes the dark is too thick. Sometimes there’s more to life than meets the eye.
You begin at Point A and in a flash, you’re off-course. You were here. Now you’re there. How did this happen? Who knows? The road has curved. Your destiny’s been altered. You’ve hit a blind spot—mind bending, life changing—and there’s no going back.
You begin at Point A and in a flash, you’re off-course. You were here. Now you’re there. How did this happen? Who knows? The road has curved. Your destiny’s been altered. You’ve hit a blind spot—mind bending, life changing—and there’s no going back.
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